March 21, 2011
Contact: Betsy Hodge, CCE St Lawrence, 315-379-9192; Ron Kuck, CCE
Jefferson, 315-788-8450; Bernadette Logozar, CCE Franklin, 315-483-7403;
Peter Hagar, CCE Clinton, 518-561-7450
Photo: 10th Mt. Division soldiers from Fort Drum learn goat
production basics from Karen Stumpf at Thousand Islands Goat Farm in
preparation for a special agricultural education mission in Afghanistan.
Photo: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County.

Sheep & Goat Basics Training Set for April 12 in Chateaugay,
April 14 in Canton, April 20 in Cape Vincent-Watertown
Northern New York — Sheep & Goat Basics Training offered in April by the
Cornell Cooperative Extension Associations of Northern New York will
provide participants with the opportunity to develop many different
livestock production skills. Afternoon on-farm sessions include sheep
handling, hoof trimming, and temperature taking with live sheep and
goats. Evening classroom sessions will focus on feeding and health
“This training is a great opportunity for beginners and new farmers to
learn about how to avoid sickness, what vaccinations sheep and goats
need, and how to work with a veterinarian, and about the different types
of forages, grains and minerals,” said training instructor Betsy Hodge,
a Livestock Educator with Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence
Northern New York Sheep and Goat Basics training sessions will be held:
• Tuesday, April 12, 1-4 pm starting at Kirbside Gardens farm of Kirby
Selkirk, Chateaugay, with 7-9pm classroom session at the Knights of
Colombus Hall, Chateaugay; register with Cornell Cooperative Extension
of Clinton County, Plattsburgh, 518-561-7450, or Franklin County,
Malone, 518-483-7403;
• Thursday, April 14, 1-4pm and 7-9pm for barn and classroom training at
the Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence County Extension
Learning Farm, Canton; register with Cornell Cooperative Extension of
St. Lawrence County, Canton, 315-379-9192; and
• Wednesday, April 20, 1-4pm starting at Thousand Islands Goat Farm,
Cape Vincent, with 7-9pm classroom session at Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Jefferson County, Watertown; register with Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County, Watertown, 315-788-8450.
Hodge says the programs were scheduled during school breaks so youth can
also attend the training. The fee to participate is $5.00 per farm or
family. #