August 17, 2011
Contact: Betsy Hodge, Livestock Educator, CCE St. Lawrence
County, 315-379-9192
Multi-Species Grazing Open House for NNY Farmers August 27

Canton, NY – The Northern New York Regional Livestock Team of Cornell
Cooperative Extension is offering regional farmers who graze, or want to
graze, different animals on the same fields the opportunity to observe a
demonstration and share ways to improve multi-species grazing methods at
an August 27th 5pm Open House event at the Cornell Cooperative Extension
(CCE) of St. Lawrence County Learning Farm in Canton, NY.
Sheep with lambs and cattle with calves have been grazing together at
the farm all summer. Portable net fencing is being used to take
advantage of all the forage on the Learning Farm. The Open House
discussions will include a comparison of animal growth rates by species
and by year.
Organizer Betsy Hodge, Livestock Educator with CCE St. Lawrence County,
says, “Grazing cows and sheep together allows farmers to harvest more
dry matter per acre because the sheep and cows compliment each other’s
grazing styles. From the sheep perspective, the cows provide an internal
parasite clean-up crew. The cows suffer no ill effects from eating sheep
parasites that live on field grasses.”
The event includes a tour of the multi-grazing species grazing project
areas to see fencing, pasture and plots of summer annual crops for
“This actual farm setting event provides hands-on learning experience.
For example, those attending the August 27 Open House will be able to
see how easy it is to use the portable fencing that allows us to fence
around areas that we used to mow or that grew wild and weedy,” Hodge
A picnic supper is part of the free event. Bring a dish to share. Please
register to attend with Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of St.
Lawrence County at 315-379-9192. For farmer-to-farmer carpooling
opportunities from Watertown; contact Corey Hayes at CCE Jefferson
County, 315-788-8450,