




October 15, 2010

Use before November 1, 2010
Cornell Cooperative Extension Contacts: Betsy Hodge, St. Lawrence County, 315-379-0607; Ron Kuck, Jefferson County, 315-788-8450; Peter Hagar, Clinton County, 518-561-7450; tatiana Stanton, Cornell University, 607-254-6024

Note: The name tatiana is spelled with lower case t

Cornell Specialist to Speak at Nov 2-4 Northern NY Sheep & Goat Week Programs in Canton, Plattsburgh and Watertown —
Learn How to Save Time and Money in Birthing Seasons

Sheep and goat producers attending November 2-4 Northern NY Sheep & Goat Week programs in Canton, Plattsburgh and Watertown will have the opportunity to discuss information gathered from more than 20 New York meat goat and sheep farmers on how they are saving time and money without sacrificing flock productivity.

In her presentation on “Kidding and Lambing – Where Does the Time go?” featured speaker Cornell Small Ruminant Extension Specialist tatiana Stanton will share research data provided by goat and sheep farmers on their labor and feed demands during lambing and kidding.

“Lambing and kidding are exciting times on any farm. However, the labor demands can get exhausting as the years go by and many farmers list exhaustion and stress during the birthing season as one of the main reasons they either do not expand their flocks or plan to get rid of their flock as they age,” Stanton says.  Betsy Hodge Photo : Lambs at Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence County Extension Learning Farm in Canton, NY.

Stanton undertook research to learn what tasks take the most time during the different seasons of birthing and how much the individual tasks affect the mortality rate of lambs, kids and their dams and the productivity of the flock as a unit.

“We wanted to know what methods different farms use to reduce their labor, feed costs and stress during the birthing season and can these methods work on other farms,” Stanton says.

The November road show meeting discussions will include comparing the advantages and disadvantages of pasture birthing vs. barn birthing, of using jugs (small pens) vs. loose housing, and birthing in different seasons of the year.

The 2010 Fall Northern NY Sheep and Goat Week presentations will also include information on using artificial insemination techniques for breeding sheep and an update on the status of current efforts to provide regional farmers with meat processing opportunities.

The 2010 Fall Northern NY Sheep and Goat Week programs will be held:
November 2nd at 7 pm at the Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence County Extension Learning Farm in Canton, $5 program fee, 315-379-9192

November 3rd at 7 pm at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Clinton County, Plattsburgh, $5 program fee, 518-561-7450

November 4th at 7 pm at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County, Watertown, bring a dessert or $5 program fee, 315-788-8450.

Learn more about raising goats, sheep, beef cattle and other livestock by contacting your local Cornell Cooperative Extension office or at the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program website at www.nnyagdev.org. #