July 4, 2008
Contact: NNYADP Co-Chair Joe Giroux, 518-563-7523
NNYADP Project Coordinator R. David Smith, Cornell University,
NY Senate Funds Agricultural Development for Northern New York
With the funding support of the New York State Senate, projects to
enhance agricultural development in Northern New York are evaluating
farmer opportunities to grow grasses for bioenergy production, protect
the health of dairy and beef cows, extend the growing and selling
seasons, enhance soil health and agricultural environmental management
practices, and produce apples, cold-hardy grapes and wines, maple syrup,
corn, flax, sunflowers and other crops.
The funding secured with the leadership of New York State Senator
Elizabeth �Betty� O�C. Little and Senate Agriculture Chair Senator
Catharine M. Young supports the small grants program for Northern New
York agricultural development. Regional farmers have identified needs
and opportunities and prioritized projects that include evaluating corn
hybrids for use as grain and silage for livestock and as a bioenergy
fuel crop; developing Northern New York varietal wines from cold hardy
grapes well-suited to the Northern New York climate and soils; and
developing strategies to deal with such crop pests and diseases as
alfalfa snout beetle and brown root rot.
Senator Little said, �I was pleased to once again help secure funding in
the state budget for the Northern New York Agricultural Development
Program. This program supports a variety of important research projects
that provide critically important information to help our northern New
York farmers adapt, evolve, grow and succeed.�
Research trials testing new production practices and technology are
underway at W.H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute at Chazy, the
Cornell E.V. Baker Agricultural Research Farm at Willsboro, the Cornell
Uihlein Maple Research Farm near Lake Placid, and on farms in Clinton,
Essex and Franklin counties. Cornell University faculty, Cornell
Cooperative Extension educators and other agricultural professionals
serve as project leaders.
Plattsburgh dairy farmer Joe Giroux, who co-chairs the Northern New York
Agricultural Development Program, said, �The projects made possible with
the Senate funding are enhancing farm productivity and profitability
while at the same time protecting our soil, water and other
environmental resources. The projects develop ways to streamline
production efficiencies, save money and maximize new agricultural sector
opportunities by developing the science needed for such enterprises as
biofuel crop production The information and experience we gain through
these projects help farmers act as good land stewards and to quickly
begin dealing with new diseases, such as brown root rot, that affect
critical crops.�
Project results are delivered to farmers via workshops, hands-on
training, fact sheets, media and a website at
www.nnyagdev.org. # # #