October 23, 2008
Contact: Dr. Quirine M. Ketterings,
Cornell University, 607-255-3061; NNYADP Co-Chairs & dairy farmers Joe
Giroux, 518-563-7523 and Jon Greenwood, 315-386-3231
NNY Research Evaluates Best Use of Dairy Cow Manure
The average milking dairy cow produces 140 pounds of manure daily. The
Northern New York Agricultural Development Program is funding research
to help farmers know how and where to best use dairy manure. Dr. Quirine
M. Ketterings, associate professor of nutrient management in the
Department of Animal Science at Cornell University, other Cornell
faculty and Cornell Cooperative Extension educators in Clinton, Essex,
Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties are developing a
critical understanding of how the nutrients in manure fertilize crops
and where excess nutrients may be lost into soil, water or air.
Ketterings says, “Environmental regulations, high fertilizer prices,
improved handling and storage technologies, and increasing animal
densities on farms demand a re-examination of best practices for manure
management on farms. Achieving optimal balance requires attention.
“For example,” Ketterings continues, “surface application of manure
without incorporation into soil reduces the nitrogen (N) value of manure
as about half of the N in the manure will volatilize. Due to this
natural N loss, if manure is surface applied before seeding of a corn
crop at rates needed to meet N demands, it will lead to P (phosphorus)
and K (potassium) accumulation over time. Since spring incorporation of
manure allows for N to be used more efficiently, less manure needs to be
applied. P accumulation rates are reduced, and this practice should also
reduce risk of run-off losses.”
Whether or not farm fields have tile drainage also affects the best use
of manure application. The research team followed National Phosphorus
Project protocol for the use of rainfall simulations to measure nutrient
losses in overland flow and tile lines for orchardgrass plots at the
Cornell E.V. Baker Agricultural Research Farm at Willsboro.
Early results based on one year of runoff data and two years of leaching
data indicate that aeration of grass prior to manure application may
reduce phosphorus runoff in wet years and increase infiltration without
increasing nitrogen or phosphorus loss in tile lines.
Results so far suggest aeration prior to manure application might be a
good alternative to surface application of manure to reduce nitrogen and
phosphorus loss to tile lines, however, Ketterings cautions, more work
on larger-scale plots is needed to evaluate the impact of manure
incorporation on grass production and N and P dynamics.
Results of a study that looked at changes in soil test P upon addition
of manure and P fertilizer with soils from all of the Northern New York
counties indicate a relationship between extractable aluminum levels and
soil test P increase. Soils that test high in Morgan Al (soil aluminum
levels greater than 50 lbs/acre) needed more phosphorus to increase soil
test P levels. This is because the aluminum tightly binds with
phosphorus and makes it unavailable to plants. Treatment of manure with
aluminum sulfate (alum) or aluminum chloride prior to mixing with soil
reduced the rate with which soil test P increased over time, especially
for low Al soils.
Other ongoing research under Northern New York growing conditions, soils
and climate includes a study on the impact of partial incorporation of
manure into soil using an aerator for corn. Set at the most aggressive
angle, the aerator can be used to mix manure with soil prior to corn
planting for N conservation and odor reduction without full disturbance
of and associated loss of carbon from the soil profile.
A study of the sulfur needs of alfalfa is also underway. Project results
are expected to be available at winter crop meetings in late 2008 and
early 2009. The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program is a
research, education and outreach program serving the unique needs of
farmers in New York’s six northernmost counties. Research results,
articles, fact sheets and resources are provided online at
www.nnyagdev.org. Check this website for more information on recent
projects that combine research on best farm practices for efficient,
high-quality, high-yield production in balance with effective
environmental stewardship. # # #