Agricultural Research Farms

Cornell Willsboro Research Farm
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Fast Facts: Willsboro Farm
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The Cornell E.V. Baker
Agricultural Research Farm conducts research that:
• enhances the economic viability of Northern New York’s
agricultural community,
• fosters environmentally sound resource management, and
• promotes the continued development of healthy regional food
Click here for list of 2008 research projects & summary of past research
Several sectors of the farm are designed to improve production practices
for crops grown to feed dairy cows. Other sectors are devoted to better
understanding the organic production of field and food crops. Variety
trials identify crop varieties that perform well in the soil types and
growing climate unique to Northern New York.
The farm’s proximity to Lake Champlain serves to underscore the
importance of nutrient management research as we work to reduce nitrogen
and phosphorus runoff into waterways. Fifty-two specially-designed and
constructed field scale drainage plots provide Cornell scientists with
the unique opportunity to develop and test crop fertilizer application
practices that are agriculturally, environmentally and economically
Cooperative projects involve research scientists, extension
professionals, farmers, town officials and area business persons.
Projects support traditional agriculture and new and alternative
specialty crops for the North Country. Recent work has focused on
opportunities to:
• establish cold hardy grape vineyards and wineries
• develop techniques to evaluate and improve the health of
agricultural soils
• grow and pellet grass as a renewable biomass heating fuel for NNY
• develop best management practices to optimize crop productivity
while minimizing the potential for soil and nutrient losses
• test non-chemical biological controls for crop pests such as
alfalfa snout beetle
• evaluate wheat, barley, oats, triticale, soybeans and flax crops
• design organic cropping systems for wheat, flax, food-grade
soybeans and alfalfa-timothy hay, and
• evaluate modified greenhouse structures for extended-season
production of fruit, vegetables and cut flowers.
Click on the links in the menu to the left to learn more about specific
projects, or the links at the top of this page for more Willsboro
Research Farm information.
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