The links below provide a statistical snapshot of agriculture in the region by county and in total based on recent Census of Agriculture data.
A short text summary of profile with map.
Table 1. Number of farms, land in farms and average size of farm in NNY.
Table 2. Percentage of acres in cropland, pasture, woodland, and other uses in NNY.
Table 3. Livestock numbers in NNY.
Table 4. Various crops by acreage in NNY. (Includes corn for silage, corn for grain, soybeans, apples, short-rotation woody crops, vegetables and cut Christmas trees.)
Table 5. Number of farms in NNY by size of farm sales (income).
Table 6. Market value of some agricultural products in NNY. (Includes crops, vegetables; fruits, nuts and berries; livestock; products sold direct; certified organic products.)
Table 7. Market value of milk and other dairy products from cows, number of farms, number of milk cows in NNY.
Table 8. Number of dairy farms by numbers of cows in NNY.
Table 9. Annual milk production, annual milk per cow, number of milk cows in NNY.
Table 10. Number of farms with beef cows, number of beef cows in NNY.
Table 11. Number of farms with vegetables, number of acres of vegetables harvested.
Table 12. Number of farms and acreage for pumpkins, sweet corn, and fresh cut herbs in NNY.
Table 13. Number of farms with bees, pounds of honey production in NNY.
Table 14. Number of farms with maple taps, number of taps, gallons of maple syrup produced in NNY.