Double Cropping with Cereal Rye & Corn Silage:
2017 2016: Report, Tables
Late Summer-Planted Oats for Forage: 2016, Year One: 2015
Developing New Cropping Systems for Organic Grain Production in NNY: 2008 2007
Small Grains for Supplemental Forage, 2011
Variety Trials
Cereal Grain Variety Trials for Grain & Straw Production in NNY, 2007
Small Grains Variety Trials, 2009
Winter Forage Crops
. Yield & Quality of Winter Rye and Triticale Harvested for Hay Crop Silage, 2017
. Winter Forage Small Grains to Boost Feed Supply: Not Just a Cover Crop Anymore! 2014