Ground Cherry Harvesting Frame Video:
See how efficiently this harvesting frame made by Willsboro Research Farm Manager Michael H. Davis, Ph.D., works to collect the ground cherry fruit that falls from the plants when ripe (click on the headline link above). This work was completed as part of a 2019 NNYADP horticultural research project that also evaluated the opportunity to grow goldenberry under NNY conditions. To read the results of both trials, click here.

Apple Bloom Thinning with Pollen Tube Growth Model Webinar
Precision apple orchard research funded by the NNYADP was highlighted in the spring of 2020 with this (March 31, 2020) webinar focused on applying computer modeling-based graphs to more precisely guide thinning applications. This webinar features Cornell University Assistant Professor of Horticulture Dr. Gregory Peck on how the Pollen Tube Growth Model was developed and a tutorial by Dan Olmstead, director of the Network for Environment and Weather Applications computer modeling system at Cornell. Click on title to video webinar.

NNYADP Juneberry “Superfruit” Research Featured on Mountain Lake Journal PBS
Click here for the August 2020 report by Mountain Lake Journal PBS Producer Thom Hallock
with Willsboro Research Farm Manager Michael H. Davis, Ph.D., talking about how well the NNYADP-funded “New Fruits for NNY” trials with aronia berry and honeyberry are progressing.
Click here for the August 2018 report by Mountain Lake Journal PBS Producer Thom Hallock on the NNYADP-funded “superfruits” research trials (click on the June 24, 2018 date in the story posting) at the Willsboro Research Farm. Hallock talks with NNYADP “New Fruits for NNY” project leaders Willsboro Research Farm Manager Michael H. Davis, Ph.D., and botanist Michael B. Burgess, Ph.D., of SUNY Plattsburgh.
Applying Persistent Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Corn Rootworm Control
April 7, 2020: This video features the biocontrol nematode protocol for crop pest management developed with long-term funding support from the NNYADP. This 21-minute video, produced by Patrick Porter and Ed Bynum, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, with Elson Shields, Cornell University, and Katelyn Kesheimer, Auburn University, illustrates the nationwide value of the NNY-grown research as shown by 2017-2019 field trials in Texas and New Mexico. Click to see the video.
5 Northern New York dairy farm profiles produced by and posted with permission from the New York Animal Agriculture Coalition (NYACC). Each of the profiled farms has participated with NNYADP research projects. This northern NY series of NYAAC videos made its debut at the 2019 New York State Fair. Click on farm name to view the video. The NYAAC enhances public understanding of and appreciation for animal agriculture by engaging the public in conversations about animal agriculture and empowering farmers to tell their story firsthand. We thank them for sharing these profiles of NNY farm families with the NNYADP for posting.
- Murcrest Farm, Copenhagen, NY: young farmer Mark Murray shares his joy of returning to and now raising his children on the family farm started by his grandfather
- Sheland Dairy Farm, Belleville, NY, with co-owner Doug Shelmidine talking about farming as a rewarding life’s work and now farming with his brother and his two sons
- Milk Street Dairy, Tylerville, NY: retired veterinarian John Ferry talks about keeping cows healthy and comfortable on his own dairy farm
- North Harbor Dairy, Sackets Harbor, NY: Nancy Robbins shares her story of marrying into a farm family and starting an agritourism business as part of the family dairy and crop farm.
- Wood Farms, Clayton, NY: Lyle Wood talks about the joy of working with family, how the farm honors his son Henry who loved the farm and died at age 10 of leukemia, and how Lyle stays optimistic and positive.
Spring in the Field on Northern New York Farms, May 2019
This short (5 minute) slide show/video by Joe Lawrence, Dairy Forage Systems Specialist with the Cornell University PRO-DAIRY Program, provides an overview of some of the activity that takes place on farms in northern New York in the springtime:
• Learn about how growing degree days (GDDs) affect the start of grass, alfalfa and corn crops.
• Learn when to measure alfalfa height to help identify an optimal date for a first cutting of an alfalfa-grass mixed crop in fields in the Towns of Martinsburg, Turin, and West Turin.
• See alfalfa snout beetle collection on a farm in the Town of Denmark to support the science pioneered with NNYADP-funded research to control this destructive crop pest known to impact at least 9 counties in New York State and areas of southeastern Ontario, Canada.
• Joe’s son Ben provides some narration and joins “Dad” and siblings Colin and Caroline to demonstrate how to check the performance of a corn planter in the Town of Croghan.
All COVID-19 restrictions were observed during the filming.
The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program is a farmer-driven, high-priority agricultural research program. Projects focus on water quality, climate adaptability, whole farm nutrient balancing, and season extension research. Funding for the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program is supported by the New York State Legislature and administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets.