Visitors to the Willsboro Research Farm this Thursday will learn research updates on several projects funded by the farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program. . .

The Cornell University Willsboro Research Farm will hold an open house on Thursday, July 13 from 1:30pm to 4:00pm. A tour of the facilities and research plots will leave the main office at 48 Sayward Lane, Willsboro at 2:00pm. Light refreshments will be provided.
Research topics featured at this year’s open house include corn silage variety trials, nitrogen management for forage sorghum, warm season forage variety trials, juneberry nursery and production trials, Aronia variety plantings, cover crop seeding demonstration plots, a high tunnel cherry tomato pruning study, greenhouse pepper production under field and high tunnel conditions, adaptive nitrogen management for corn and incorporating cover crops into the adaptive management model, and field trials of farmer selected organic spring wheat breeding lines.
In 1982 E. Vreeland Baker, a Willsboro farmer and entrepreneur, donated his 352 acre farm to Cornell University for agricultural research and demonstration. The facility serves to connect Cornell faculty in Ithaca with the challenges and issues facing North Country farmers. Willsboro Research Farm is managed by the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station.
This event is free and open to the public. For more information call 518-963-7492.