Lowville, N.Y.; December 9, 2019. The results of vegetable crops production and season extension research funded by the farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program (NNYADP) will be presented at the January 3, 2020, What’s Bugging Your Vegetables Workshop at the Lewis County Educational Center, 7395 East Road, Lowville, N.Y. Registration for the 3 pm to 5 pm program is requested by January 2 to Mellissa Spence at 315-376-5270, mms427@cornell.edu. Snow date is January 6. Cost is $5.00
Cornell University Vegetable Extension Specialists Judson Reid and Elizabeth Hodgdon will discuss various vegetable pests and diseases common in the northern region of New York State. Topics include NNYADP season extension and high tunnel research updates; integrated pest management; how to identify and treat tomato diseases; management of potato beetle, cucumber beetle, cole crop caterpillars and other pests; and invasive species to watch for in 2020.

Judson Reid is a vegetable specialist with the Cornell Vegetable Program and Harvest New York. His focus areas include high tunnel production and season extension, soil fertility, and small farms.
Elizabeth Hodgdon is a vegetable specialist with the Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program that includes the northeastern NY area. She is based in Plattsburgh and assists diversified vegetable and fruit growers with crop production issues including pest management, season extension, high tunnel production, and food safety.
The results of NNYADP high tunnel, season extension and other horticultural crops research projects are posted on this website (www.nnyagdev.org).
Funding for the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program is supported by the New York State Legislature and administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets.