July 29, 2021. WWNY-TV, Watertown, NY, highlighted the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program grant-funded project on dairy calf health and barn ventilation with film and interviews from yesterday’s barn fogging demonstration at Beller’s Family Farm in Carthage. Different segments ran on the evening and morning news shows and included interviews with Cornell University Cooperative Extension Regional Dairy Specialists Casey Havekes and Lindsay Ferlito and Cornell PRO-DAIRY Dairy Farm Strategic Planning Specialist Tim Terry. Click here to see one of the segments by WWNY reporter Brendan Straub: https://www.wwnytv.com/2021/07/28/farmers-learn-about-barn-fogging/.
Barn fogging is a process that makes airflow visible for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of natural and mechanical ventilation systems. The demonstration at Beller’s Family Farm and earlier at Stauffer Farm in North Lawrence was focused on the role of barn ventilation in maintaining the health of pre-weaned dairy calves on farms in Northern New York. This 2021 project is one in a series of dairy calf health projects funded by the NNYADP; to learn more see: https://nnyagdev.org/index.php/research-news/research-projects/