Tile Drainage Research in NNY
The data and analysis from this NNYADP research by Miner Institute that began on land provided by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and now continues with side-by-side trials on a working farm are highly sought by diverse agricultural and water quality stakeholders.
Latest Results
2023: Quantifying Long-Term Agronomic and Water Quality Impacts of Cropland Management (Tile Drainage) in NNY Corn Fields: Year 6
2022: Year 5
2021: Year 4
2020: Year 3
2019: Year 2
2016 , Appendix
2021: Quantifying Surface Runoff and Tile Drainage Nutrient Losses in Edge-of-Field Plots: Year 4
2020: Year 3
2019: Year 2
2018: Year 1
Estimating Phosphorus Losses from Tile-Drained Fields in NNY
Subsurface (Tile) Drainage Best Management Practices, Cornell, 2011
Subsurface (Tile) Drainage Benefits and Installation Guidance, Cornell, 2011