NNYADP horticultural research supports ever-increasing consumer interest in locally-grown foods and local farms movement. Field-tested, data-based results from NNYADP projects support local food hubs development, and advance production and season extension techniques for growing everything from salad greens and tomatoes to “super fruits” and, in 2023, NNYADP research added cold-hardy nut trials. The Juneberry research nursery, established in Willsboro with NNYADP support, is the first of its kind for New York State.
Most Recent Research Results:
2024: Evaluating the New Apple Thinning Material “Accede” Under NNY Thinning Conditions: Year 2
2024: Establishing New Commercial Fruit and Nut Crops for NNY
2023 : Alternative High Tunnel Crops for NNY Growers: Melons and Winter Greens with Enterprise Budgets
2023: Evaluating the New Apple Thinning Material “Accede” Under Northern NY Conditions
2023: Establishing New Commercial Fruit & Nut Crops for NNY: Juneberry, Honeyberry, Aronia, Elderberry, 2023: nut trials added

2024: Evaluating the New Apple Thinning Material “Accede” Under NNY Thinning Conditions: Year 2
2023: Evaluating the New Apple Thinning Material “Accede” Under Northern NY Conditions
2022: Utilizing Computer Models and Additional Thinning Materials for Precise Crop Load Management in NNY Apple Orchards
Apple Disease and Pest Management:
2019: Continued Use of RIMpro Apple Disease Models on Apple Farms in Champlain Lake Valley for Prediction of Fire Blight and Apple Scab in 2019 to Time & Reduce Pesticide Sprays
2019: Prediction of Bitter Pit in Honeycrisp Apples Before Storage
2018: Continued Lab Detection of Fire Blight Bacterium in Susceptible Apple Rootstocks in NNY Commercial Apple Orchards Affected by 2016 Epidemic
2018: Identification & Physical Exclusion of Key Pests Using Hail Netting in NNY Apple Orchards
2017: Key Pests Report
2016: Identification and Grower Education of Key Pests in NNY Apple Orchards: Report, Appendix
Precision Orchard Management
2023: Evaluating the New Apple Thinning Material “Accede” Under Northern NY Conditions
2022: Utilizing Computer Models and Additional Thinning Materials for Precise Crop Load Management in NNY Apple Orchards
2021: NNY Precision Apple Orchard Management: Utilizing Computer Models and Additional Thinning Materials for Precise Crop Load
2020:. Utilizing the Pollen Tube Growth Model and Fruit Growth Rate Model for Bloom Thinning in NNY Apple Orchards
Webinar: Pollen Tube Growth Model for Bloom Thinning
2019: Precision Crop Load Management to Optimize Profitability of NNY Apple Growers
2018: Precision Management & New Thinning Strategies to Optimize Profitability for NNY Apple Growers
2017: Background and Methods, Results, Conclusions and Next Steps
2015-2016: Report
2014-2015: Precision Thinning, Irrigation & Harvest: Background and Methods, Results, Conclusions
2013-2014: Precision Orchard Management Strategies for NNY Apple Growers
2013: NNY Apple Growers Evaluating Orchard Improvement Techniques
2012: Improved Apple Orchard Management Systems & Rootstocks in NNY
Table 1. Effect of Maxcel, NAA, PoMaxxa and ABA on Yield, Fruit Size & Fruit Quality
Figure 1. Effect of Retain and NAA or PoMaxxa on preharvest drop of McIntosh/M.26 trees
2009 Report
2008 Report
Beekeeper Management Practices to Increase Pollinator Health and Honey Production in NNY: Report, Appendix
NNY Beekeeper Directory, 2016
Bee Pests & Pathogen Workshop Slides
2024: Establishing New Commercial Fruit and Nut Crops for NNY
2023: Establishing New Commercial Fruit & Nut Crops for NNY
2022: Juneberry, Honeyberry, Aronia, Elderberry
2021: Elderberry, Aronia, Honeyberry, Juneberry
2020: Elderberry, Aronia, Honeyberry, Juneberry
2019: Aronia, Honeyberry, Juneberry
2018: Aronia, Honeyberry Juneberry
2016-2017 Establishing New Commercial Fruit Crops for NNY
Pest Control in Berries: 2013-14 Biological Control of Black Vine Weevil/Strawberry Root Weevil Complex in NNY Berries
2013: Strawberry Weevil Control Being Tested, October
2019: New Wholesale Marketing Opportunity for NNY Growers
2016: Opportunities for Food Hub Development in NNY: Executive Summary
2015: An Analysis of Opportunities for Food Hub Development in Northern New York
2013-2014: NNY Food Hub Survey Project: Strengthening the North Country Food System Through Increased Producer Connections to Markets
North Country Regional Foods Initiative
The Potential for Edamame Production in NNY with Market Assessment, 2015
Where to Find Local Foods: Adirondack Harvest map of farm stands, farmers’ markets, CSAs , restaurants, stores, community gardens, and mail order locations
Evaluation of Novel Cold-Hardy Grape Varieties for Production in NNY: 2016 Report, 2015 Report
2010: Fruit Chemistry Trends at Willsboro Cold-Hardy Grape Trial
2010: NNY Wine Grapes: Cropping, Vigor Management, Wines
Article: Cold-Hardy Grapes, Growing Magazine, June 2010
2009: Better Wine Grape Quality using Combined Vine Training and Canopy Management, Lamoy, NESARE
2009: Cold Hardy Grapes: Cropping, Vigor Management, Wines
2005-08: Willsboro Cold-Hardy Wine Grape Trail Promising Vines
2008: Cold Hardy Willsboro Wine Grape Cultivar Trial: Stage 1
Cold Hardy Willsboro Wine Grape Cultivar Trial: Stage 3
Cold Hardy Willsboro Wine Grape Cultivar Trial: Stage 3 Addendum
2006: Cold Hardy Grapevine Trials: Essex County
Cold Hardy Grapevine Trials: Jefferson County
2006: Organic Grapevine Management, NNY
2023: Alternative High Tunnel Crops for NNY Growers: Melons and Winter Greens with Enterprise Budgets
2015: Season Extension with Basil, Ginger, Summer Lettuce, Turmeric
2014: Season Extension with Non-Traditional High Tunnel Crops
2014: Leaf Mold on High Tunnel Tomatoes Fact Sheet, NNY
2010: Season Extension with NNY High Tunnels
2009: Season Extension with High Tunnels
2008: Season Extension with NNY High Tunnels
Malting Barley Variety Evaluation for Production in NNY, 2019
2024: Establishing New Commercial Fruit and Nut Crops for NNY: Chestnuts added
2023: Hazelnut Trials: Establishing New Commercial Fruit & Nut Crops for NNY
Organic Sunflowers, Flax & Beans: New Crops for NNY? 2006
Potato leafhopper impact on organic potato production
Integrated Pest Management
Leek Moth
VEGETABLES: click here for project results and links
Blight, Cover Crops, Crop Establishment, Disease, Fertigation, Foliar Testing, Season Extension
Winter Greens Production & Marketing Potential for NNY
2015: Inter-Row Cover Crops for Plasticulture Vegetables
Appendix 1: NNYADP Plasticulture Vegetables Cover Crop Study 2014 Crop Plan
Appendix 2: 2014 Sweet Onion Cover Crop Trial
Appendix 3: Cover Crop to Weed Ratio with Outliers Removed