The results of 2016 corn grain hybrid trials in Northern New York are now posted on this website in the Field Crops/Corn section, scroll down to find the Variety Trials data for several years.
Cornell University Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics Dr. Margaret E. Smith notes, “Growers should always choose hybrids based on multiple years of evaluation and multi-location data whenever possible since any hybrid can have a banner year or banner environment one year but not necessarily hold up over a range of different growing seasons.”
See NNY corn hybrid trial results reports for 2004-2016 at www.nnyagdev.org/index.php/field-crops/research-corn/.
. Northern New York farmers harvest approximately 13 percent of the total corn acreage in New York State.
. To help growers select the highest yielding corn varieties for planting, the farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program funds Cornell University field trials that evaluate not only yield, but crop vigor, moisture, standability, and other plant health factors that influence the opportunity to grow a high quality, productive crop.
. The 2016 field trials evaluated 50 early-maturing hybrids on farms in Madrid and Chazy, NY, and 16 medium-early hybrids in Madrid.
. An evaluation of leaf disease development was also planned as part of the 2016 hybrids trial, however, generally due to dry conditions throughout the growing season in Northern New York, no significant leaf or insect pressure was found at either the Chazy or Madrid site.
. The farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program is a research and technical assistance program serving all agricultural sectors in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties. Funding for the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program is supported by the New York State Senate and administered through the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets.