More than half of the farm acreage in Northern NY is in cropland. Northern New York Agricultural Development Program small grant research projects support the production of field crops, including forages, corn, soybeans, dry beans, flax, small grains, legumes, and wheat. Applying the knowledge and results from NNYADP-funded projects helps regional farmers add to their farm’s efficiency, profitability, and environmental stewardship.
Click here for examples of NNYADP project results success.
2024 Project Results Reports:
. Breeding Cereal Rye for Late-Season Cover Crop Planting
. Field Crop Performance Network Development Pilot Project: Northern NY
2023 Project Results Reports:
The Value of Manure: On-farm Evaluation Year 2
Comparison of Enlist Corn and Soybean Weed Control Programs
Evaluation of Corn Herbicide Programs With or Without Atrazine
Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balances and Nitric Oxide (N2O) Emissions: Win-Win?
Satellite-Derived Yield Classification Maps and Yield Stability Zones for Management: Year 2
Is Soil Compaction a Driver of Yield?
Cover Crops: Cereal Rye Varieties and Planting Dates for NNY
The Effect of Interseeded Alternative Forages on the Yield and Forage Quality of Corn Silage in NNY
2022 Project Results Reports:
. Whole Farm Sustainability Assessments: Protecting the Environment and Saving Dollars: Phase 2
. Satellite-Driven Yield Maps and Yield Stability Base Management Zones
. On-Farm Evaluation of the Value of Manure
. Herbicide Programs for Glyphosate-Resistant Horseweed (Marestail) Control in Soybean
. Quantifying Long-Term Agronomic and Water Quality Impacts of Tile Drainage in NNY Corn Fields: Year 5
. Cereal Rye Variety Selection and Research Needs for NNY
. The Effect of Western Bean Cutworm Damage on the Nutritional Quality and Aerobic Stability of Corn Silage
. Developing a Farmer-/Applicator-Friendly Persistent Biocontrol Nematodes Formulation for Field Application
Research by Crop:
Alfalfa BMR Sorghum Sudangrass Corn Cover Crops Dry Beans/Flax/ Sunflowers Grasses Hay Legumes Malting Barley Small Grains/Oats Soybeans Wheat
Research by Nutrient:
Boron Carbon Copper Lime Magnesium Manganese Nitrogen Potassium Phosphorus Sulfur Zinc
Cornell Calculators: Corn Nitrogen /Nitrogen Management Evaluation Tool Lime Value of Manure
ISNT and LOI Interpretations for Corn
Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balance Tool
Corn Yield Potential in NNY
2023: Satellite-Derived Yield Classification Maps and Yield Stability Zones for Management: Year 2
2022: Satellite-Driven Yield Maps and Yield Stability Base Management Zones
2020: Using Satellite and Automated Drone Imagery to Give All Farmers Access to Yield Estimates for Zone-Based Field Management
2017-2019: Assessment of Corn Yield Potentials with Yield Monitors in NNY
2013-2016 Results 2014 Results, Tables 2013 Results
Cover Crops
2024: Breeding Cereal Rye for Late-Season Cover Crop Planting
2023: Cover Crops: Cereal Rye Varieties and Planting Dates for NNY: Year 1
Crop Disease
Asian Soybean Rust, 2004 Brown Root Rot
Corn & Soybean Disease Survey Results: 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2013-14
Northern Stem Canker: A New Challenge for NY Soybean Producers, 2014
Trefoil Wilt
Crop Pests
Alfalfa Snout Beetle
Corn Rootworm:
2020: Impact of Biocontrol Nematodes on CRW During Corn Rotation
2020: Alternative Application Methods in Corn
2019: Alternative Application Methods in Corn
2018: Impact of Biocontrol Nematodes on Corn Rootworm During Corn Rotation
2017: Biocontrol Nematodes Impact on Corn Rootworm
2016 Trials
Potato Leafhopper Damaging NNY Alfalfa, 2012
Western Bean Cutworm
2022: The Effect of Western Bean Cutworm Damage on the Nutritional Quality and Aerobic Stability of Corn Silage
2021-2022: Effect of Western Bean Cutworm Damage on the Nutritional Quality and Aerobic Stability of Corn Silage
2018-2019: Insecticide Timing Trial for Control of Western Bean Cutworm in Field Corn in Northern New York
2018: Extending the NYS IPM Western Bean Cutworm Trap Network Farther into Clinton and Essex Counties
2017-2018: Understanding the Interaction of Western Bean Cutworm Damage and Mycotoxin Risk in Corn Silage
2017: Evaluation of the Efficacy of Bt Corn for the Control of Western Bean Cutworm in NNY: Part A
and Ear Damage Evaluation and Mycotoxin Screening of Corn Silage Hybrids: NNY Trials: Part B
2016: Efficacy of Bt Corn for Western Bean Cutworm Control in NNY
Double Cropping/Cover Crops
2023: The Effect of Interseeded Alternative Forages on the Yield and Forage Quality of Corn Silage in NNY
Manure Management
Nutrient Management
Pasture Nutrient Management
Soil Health
Soil Health and Variable Crop Yield: 2021 project results
Weed Management
2023: Comparison of Enlist Corn and Soybean Weed Control Programs
2023: Evaluation of Corn Herbicide Programs With or Without Atrazine
2022: Herbicide Programs for Glyphosate-Resistant Horseweed (Marestail) Control in Soybean
Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balance
2023: Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balances and Nitric Oxide (N2O) Emissions: Win-Win?
2022: Whole Farm Sustainability Assessments: Protecting the Environment and Saving Dollars: Phase 2
2017: Optimizing Economic and Environmental Performance of Dairy Farms through Integration of Yield Assessments, Phosphorus Index Assessments, and Whole-Farm Nutrient Mass Balances
Mass Nutrient Balance Software